Political & Theological Resources
Our spirit resource library is a collection of free, accessible, spirit-led political and theological resources that center our commitment to justice for all marginalized people. Download these free PDFs on the landing page, or request paper copies on our Contact page.

Institute on Spiritual Violence, Healing & Social Change
We bring together professionals from the social sciences, activists, religious leaders and other civil society actors to confront violence based on spirituality and religion that so many people and groups face on a daily basis and that point to a deep historical wound in urgent need of healing.

Workshops and Strategic Movement Consultations
We act as strategic thinking partners to groups who are seeking more tools to unpack white Christian Supremacy and heal from Spiritual Violence. We also offer a limited number of workshops each year to groups, organizations, schools, universities, and faith communities.
Religious Exemption Accountability Project (REAP)
REAP is using litigation, storytelling, and organizing to challenge the Right’s strategy of using religious exemptions to legally discriminate against LGBTQI people at hundreds of publicly-funded Christian colleges and universities in the United States. At the heart of this initiative is a groundbreaking lawsuit, Elizabeth Hunter, et al. v. U.S. Department of Education, which seeks to end the federal funding of any university that discriminates and abuses LGBTQI people.