Board Chair
CasSandra is a 26-year-old Black-Cuban healer in Richmond, VA, who is passionate about spirit work, mental health, indulgence and pleasure, and sustainable diligence. CasSandra currently serves as the Youth Resource Advocate at Side by Side, a center dedicated to creating supportive communities for Virginia’s LGBTQ+ youth, and has worked in youth healing and mental health since 2011.
CasSandra’s passion for social justice keeps systemic and institutional forms of oppression at the front of her mind when thinking about how best to heal and liberate queer and trans Black and Brown people. She is overjoyed to be a part of Soulforce’s work to sabotage Christian Supremacy, in all the ways that it conspires with capitalism and white supremacy, by bringing a trauma informed and culturally responsive lens and supporting an organizational culture of steadiness, sustainability, and spirit. CasSandra was a member of the 2015-16 Soulforce Southeast House Fellowship and understands firsthand the power of reminding LGBTQ+ people that we have unlimited access to divinity because we are a manifestation of it.
When she is not working or drooling over Soulforce, she pursues creative hobbies as a writer and songbird and has recently started to explore knitting and painting.