Our annual program and financial reports are an intimate review of the work that our community and their collective gifts make possible every day. Click on any report to read it in PDF format.
Soulforce 2023-24 Program Report
We are grateful and excited to share this compilation of our work over the past year to fulfill our mission: sabotaging white Christian supremacy and healing our spirits from the wounds of Spiritual Violence. This year’s theme, water, represents the connection-building and life-giving experiences we’ve embraced as an organization. We’ve poured our hearts into this report and are excited to share our journey with you!
Financial Reports
Financial stability and a diverse source of funding is extremely important for the sustainability of the Soulforce mission. When a David, like Soulforce, is bold enough to stand up to a Goliath, like white Christian Supremacy, people either love us or hate us. It is important to Soulforce leadership that the organization protects itself financially. For additional information about our financial status or to download our audited financial statements from 2023, 2022, 0r 2021, please visit our Guidestar profile.
Movement Advancement Project reports are like a report card for some of the most tenured LGBTQIA+ organizations in the movement. Each year, Soulforce and approximately 40 other organizations provide detailed financial and programming reports that include insight into staffing, liquidity, diversity and equity, and follow-through on set goals.

If you have questions about these documents or any other issues related to reporting and transparency, please contact hello@soulforce.org.