Christian Supremacy is the connective tissue between different systems of violence that use the language, capital, and power of Christianity to dominate, colonize, and harm.
Under Christian Supremacy, the Bible and church teachings are the tools used most often to promote certain characteristics, such as gender and sexual orientation, as God-given and morally superior. On the flip side, those who do not fall into the dominant group — who are not-straight and not-cisgender — are deemed inferior, immoral, or even evil. In this framework, harm can be done to the inferior group and be understood as justified, morally-righteous, or even ordained by God.
Wherever Christianity is weaponized against marginalized people to perpetuate white supremacy (which is almost everywhere), we call this white Christian Supremacy. Christianity has been used as the moral justification for the violent conquest of Indigenous people’s bodies and lands on many continents,Ongoing legacies of colonization, missionization, enslavement, and genocide against indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples are deeply entangled with Christian Supremacy.

Christian Supremacy is not Christianity: it’s weaponized religion that targets LGBTQI people, Women, Indigenous and Afro-descendent peoples, and other marginalized people.
We believe that people of Christian faiths are crucial allies in sabotaging Christian Supremacy. Christians have a long lineage of practicing their faith in resistance to the institutions and theologies that have been weaponized by empire — including the Church. Justice-seeking Christians are especially invested in sabotaging Christian Supremacy, as they/we confront the co-optation of God while practicing authentic faith.
Often Christian Supremacist messages and theologies become internalized, impacting our bodies and spirits. Whenever the language of God and morality causes damage – intentionally or unintentionally – to the spirit, authentic sense of self, or sacred worth of a person, this is Spiritual Violence. Spiritual Violence can lead to fear and self-hate, lack of self-esteem, destructive behaviors, and even suicide.
Christian Supremacy needs to be sabotaged, and we believe we can do it.
How exactly?
- Analyze these interlocking systems of oppression and uncover toxic ideologies that are used to moralize violence.
- Create, share, and amplify tools that help us unpack, contest, and resist these toxic ideologies.
- Build alliances with activists and people of faith across hostile Christian contexts, and support each other in our collective efforts for social justice.
- collectively commit to healing the wounds that have been left from centuries of Spiritual Violence that alienates us from our families, our bodies, our communities, and our own sense of dignity and worth.

Want to learn more and take action?
Download our pamphlet on Christian Supremacy and share it with someone in your community
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Follow us on social media and join the on-going conversation about white Christian Supremacy, Spiritual Violence, and how we resist, heal, and build indomitable spirits